

Accessit Library is exceptional quality, and exceptionally affordable.


    Number of Students:
    School / Organisation:

    But where are our prices, you may ask?

    Accessit Library is supplied to schools, colleges, tertiary institutions, special and corporate libraries.

    And all of these organisations can have slightly different requirements. For example, some sites have multiple campuses, or include large school districts. Some sites have special requirements over the types of integrations required, and while we provide many integrations at no charge, some of our 3rd party integration partners impose a fee to connect to their content.

    So, it’s important for us to understand what you want, so we can be transparent and clear, with no surprises.

    You’ll be pleased to know that new customers often comment that Accessit Library costs about the same as other Library Management Systems and it offers far more features!

    How do I find the cost of Accessit Library for my organisation?

    It’s quick and easy.

    Simply fill out the ‘estimate form’ above, and we’ll get back to you promptly. If there are any supplementary questions we have, we’ll clarify those with you at the same time.

    New Zealand

    0800 542 727
    Level 5, 44 Victoria Street,
    Wellington 6011


    1800 707 561
    Level 19, 644 Chapel St
    Melbourne, VIC 3141

    UK / Europe

    +44 (0) 203 6179908
    Level 2 – The Porter Building
    1 Brunel Way, Slough SL1 1FQ

    United States

    1 800 924 1190
    909 Rose Avenue, Suite 660
    North Bethesda, MD 20852